Create Your Yes!

When You Keep Hearing NO: A 12-Step Strategy for Success

Angela Marie Hutchinson

Job & Karriere

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Beschreibung zu „Create Your Yes!“

Are you tired of hearing "No"? Then create your "Yes!"

When you are faced with rejection, do you cringe or thrive? While it may seem that we are out of options when we try something and fail, there is almost a way to make your dreams a reality — in the face of ANY adversary!

Angela Marie Hutchinson has a fairly simple motto: dreams don't happen, dreams are made. Rather than admit defeat, Angela herself made her dreams of making a movie a reality by pushing forward despite each "no", "pass", and negative thought that came her way! Using her 12—step approach, those dreams you keep hearing "no" on — those plans that never seem to come to fruition — can finally be realized.


Simple Truths




ca. 38





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