Escape To Midas

Andrew Stickland


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Beschreibung zu „Escape To Midas“

Book Two in the Mars Alone Trilogy
'Rocket-fuelled storytelling. Highly recommended' NEW STATESMAN
It's 2313 and a battle for the future of humankind is brewing. The battleground is space
Last year Leo Fischer and Skater Monroe were normal kids living normal lives, worrying about school, dealing with family issues, planning their futures...
This year they're hiding out on Mars, hunted by a psychopathic megalomaniac – who happens to be the most powerful individual in the Solar System. He claims the two of them are interplanetary terrorists and is demanding their heads on a plate.
In the thrilling second instalment of the Mars Alone Trilogy, Leo and Skater, together with an artificial intelligence called Taffy whose mind contains the knowledge of an ancient alien civilisation, must face the consequences of fighting an enemy who has been lying to the entire human race and will stop at nothing to protect his secrets.


Lightning Books




ca. 253





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