Money: Thoughts for God's Stewards

Andrew Murray

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Beschreibung zu „Money: Thoughts for God's Stewards“

Andrew Murray's 'Money: Thoughts for God's Stewards' delves into the spiritual aspect of wealth management. In a thought-provoking and insightful manner, Murray discusses the ethical dilemma of handling money in a way that aligns with religious values. Drawing from biblical teachings and personal reflections, the book provides practical advice on how to manage finances in a manner that pleases God. Murray's writing style is clear and concise, making complex financial concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds. This book is a valuable addition to the intersection of religion and finance literature, offering a unique perspective on the responsibilities of wealth stewardship in the modern world. Andrew Murray, a renowned Christian minister and author, brings his deep knowledge of scripture and spiritual insights to the discussion of money management in 'Money: Thoughts for God's Stewards'. As a respected theologian, Murray's expertise in blending theology with practical wisdom shines through in this book. I recommend 'Money: Thoughts for God's Stewards' to readers seeking a thoughtful and spiritually enriching guide on managing wealth in accordance with religious principles.


Good Press




ca. 38





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