Fourth State of the Union Address

Andrew Johnson

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Beschreibung zu „Fourth State of the Union Address“

Andrew Johnson's Fourth State of the Union Address is a seminal piece of American political literature that delves into the critical issues facing the nation in the aftermath of the Civil War. Johnson's address is characterized by its direct and unapologetic style, reflecting his firm beliefs and uncompromising stance on reconstruction and unity. The speech addresses topics such as civil rights, national reconciliation, and economic recovery, providing valuable insights into the challenges of post-war America. Johnson's eloquent prose and persuasive arguments make this address a must-read for anyone interested in American history and politics. As a pivotal document in the Reconstruction era, Johnson's Fourth State of the Union Address continues to resonate with contemporary readers, shedding light on the enduring legacy of the Civil War and the struggle for unity in a divided nation.


Good Press




ca. 28





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