The Gospel of Wealth

Andrew Carnegie

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Beschreibung zu „The Gospel of Wealth“

Andrew Carnegie's 'The Gospel of Wealth' explores the idea of philanthropy and the responsibilities of the wealthy towards society in the late 19th century. Written in a straightforward and persuasive style, Carnegie argues that the accumulation of wealth is not an end in itself, but a means to benefit the greater community. His literary context reflects the Gilded Age and the rise of industrial capitalism, where income inequality was becoming more pronounced. Carnegie's beliefs are outlined with a combination of real-life examples and moral reasoning, making his case a compelling one. The book serves as a call to action for the affluent to give back to society and improve the welfare of their fellow citizens. Andrew Carnegie, a self-made steel magnate, wrote 'The Gospel of Wealth' based on his own experiences of amassing a vast fortune and his subsequent philanthropic endeavors. His own rags-to-riches story provides insight into the motivation behind his advocacy for responsible wealth distribution. Carnegie's background as an industrialist and philanthropist lends credibility to his arguments and underscores the importance of his message. Scholars and readers interested in the intersection of wealth, philanthropy, and social responsibility will find 'The Gospel of Wealth' to be a thought-provoking and historically significant read. Carnegie's eloquent defense of charitable giving and his vision for a more equitable society continue to resonate with contemporary debates on income inequality and corporate social responsibility.


Good Press




ca. 33





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