Fires Burn Blue

Andrew Caldecott

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Beschreibung zu „Fires Burn Blue“

Andrew Caldecott's book, 'Fires Burn Blue', is a captivating blend of fantasy and political intrigue set in a vividly imagined world. The novel is written in a lyrical and descriptive style, reminiscent of classical literature, that transports readers to a realm where magic and power collide. The story is rich in symbolism and allegory, offering deep insight into human nature and the complexities of society. Caldecott's intricate plotting and character development make 'Fires Burn Blue' a compelling read for fans of both fantasy and literary fiction. The book is a unique contribution to the genre, pushing boundaries and challenging readers to think beyond the surface narrative. It showcases Caldecott's talent for world-building and storytelling, establishing him as a rising star in the literary world. 'Fires Burn Blue' is a thought-provoking and immersive read that will leave a lasting impression on anyone who delves into its pages.


Good Press




ca. 170





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