Building a BeagleBone Black Super Cluster

Andreas Josef Reichel

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Beschreibung zu „Building a BeagleBone Black Super Cluster“

BeagleBone Black is a low-cost, community-supported development platform for developers and hobbyists. It boots Linux in under 10 seconds and gets started on development in less than five minutes with just a single USB cable. The BeagleBone Black ARM system is a perfect candidate for building a Beowulf cluster.

The book starts with a short introduction to the computational power of the required computers, and will take you through the hardware and key features of the BeagleBone Black ARM system. You will then be introduced to the ports and control buttons of the board. The real-life examples in the book will show you how to configure and compile the software packets, and you will be shown how to write your own cluster software and utilize important mathematical libraries. The book concludes with programming and simulation examples using sophisticated physics simulation libraries as typical applications. This book will be a very helpful guide to get started in the world of super computing.


Packt Publishing




ca. 133





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