The Remittance Man

Ambrose Pratt

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Beschreibung zu „The Remittance Man“

Ambrose Pratt's novel 'The Remittance Man' delves into the life of a young man who is sent to Australia to start a new life after disgracing his family in England. The book explores themes of identity, isolation, and redemption against the backdrop of the harsh Australian outback. Pratt's writing style is both descriptive and introspective, immersing the reader in the protagonist's emotional journey. Published in 1891, 'The Remittance Man' is a timeless classic that resonates with readers today. Pratt's exploration of colonialism and the clash of cultures adds depth to the narrative, making it a fascinating read for those interested in historical fiction. Pratt's own experiences as a journalist and adventurer provided him with the rich material to create a compelling story that captures the essence of the Australian landscape and the complex characters that inhabit it. 'The Remittance Man' is a must-read for anyone looking for a thought-provoking novel that combines elements of romance, adventure, and self-discovery.


Good Press




ca. 276





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