Eveline Mandeville

Or, The Horse Thief Rival

Alvin Addison

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Beschreibung zu „Eveline Mandeville“

Alvin Addison's novel, "Eveline Mandeville," explores the themes of social class, identity, and relationships in Victorian England. The book follows the journey of Eveline Mandeville, a young woman from a working-class background who navigates the challenges of fitting into high society. Addison's writing style is rich in detail and emotionally engaging, capturing the nuances of the characters' struggles and aspirations. The novel is a compelling blend of romance and social commentary, making it a valuable contribution to Victorian literature. Addison's sophisticated narrative technique and insightful portrayal of the era's social dynamics set "Eveline Mandeville" apart from other works of its time. As an author, Alvin Addison draws inspiration from his own experiences growing up in a diverse community, which shines through in his portrayal of characters from different social backgrounds. Readers interested in exploring the complexities of class distinctions and personal transformation in historical fiction will find "Eveline Mandeville" a captivating and thought-provoking read.


Good Press




ca. 207





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