Curious Punishments of Bygone Days

Alice Morse Earle

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Beschreibung zu „Curious Punishments of Bygone Days“

Alice Morse Earle's 'Curious Punishments of Bygone Days' provides a fascinating look into the bizarre and often brutal punishments inflicted on individuals in history for crimes that seem trivial by today's standards. The book is a collection of historical anecdotes and accounts of punishment practices that range from amusing to downright horrifying, all presented in Earle's engaging and accessible writing style. By shedding light on these forgotten or little-known aspects of history, Earle invites readers to reflect on the evolution of justice and morality through the ages. This work is a valuable resource for those interested in social history and the development of legal systems. Alice Morse Earle, a prolific American historian and author, drew inspiration for 'Curious Punishments of Bygone Days' from her extensive research into colonial and early American history. Her passion for uncovering forgotten stories and bringing them to life in her writing is evident in this captivating book. I highly recommend 'Curious Punishments of Bygone Days' to readers who enjoy delving into the quirks and peculiarities of history, as well as to anyone interested in the evolution of justice and punishment throughout the centuries.


Good Press




ca. 78





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