Ultimate Surfing Adventures

100 epic experiences in the waves

Alf Alderson

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Beschreibung zu „Ultimate Surfing Adventures“

This new edition of Ultimate Surfing Adventures takes you on a thrilling ride around the world's best surfing spots – from tropical reefs, through temperate waters to ones where you will need a wetsuit. There are exciting adventures that will appeal to everyone from novice to expert. Stunning, full-page photographs put you at the heart of the action, while inspirational descriptions illustrate why each break is so unique. It's perfect for planning your next surfari, or alternatively allows you to indulge in some armchair surfing of breaks that only the most adventurous will ride. As well as classic waves around the Pacific, there is a wealth of more unusual surf spots from Antarctica to Bristol. Every continent is covered, so expect to find waves you've already ridden alongside those you never knew existed. Each entry is accompanied by useful information such as the best season to surf, hazards to consider, how to get there and what to do when you're all surfed out. Discover where you will surf next – in reality or in your imagination.

Über Alf Alderson

Alf Alderson is an award-winning freelance journalist and photographer based in Pembrokeshire, South West Wales. He specialises in adventure sports and travel journalism, and his writing has appeared in a wide range of publications and websites including The Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Independent, Toronto Globe & Mail, South China Morning Post, Financial Times, Abu Dhabi National, Surfers Path and Coast Magazine.
With almost three decades of surfing behind him, on almost every corner of the globe, Alf is a regular fount of knowledge for all things surfing.


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