El barco escuela Tobermory

Alexander McCall Smith

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Beschreibung zu „El barco escuela Tobermory“

Ben y Fee son gemelos y han crecido en un submarino. Ahora con casi trece años irán a un colegio de lo más original: un barco escuela llamado Tobermory, cerca de la isla escocesa de Mull, en el que hay alumnos de todo el mundo para aprender a navegar.

Nada más empezar las clases, un equipo de rodaje desembarca en Mull e invitan a Ben a ser extra en la película que van a hacer. Al principio parece algo emocionante, pero pronto él y sus amigos empezarán a notar cosas extrañas… Comienzan así una trepidante aventura en altamar que pondrá a prueba su valor.

Über Alexander McCall Smith

Alexander McCall Smith CBE was born in Zimbabwe in 1948 and educated there and in Scotland. He enjoyed a distinguished career as Professor of Medical Law at Edinburgh University, and it was in this role that he first returned to Africa to work in Botswana. In 2005, he left the University to concentrate on his writing and he is now the author of over sixty books which have been translated into 40 languages.

Most widely celebrated as the creator of the Botswanan sleuth, Precious Ramotswe of The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, Alexander McCall Smith is also known for his popular children’s titles.

Alexander McCall Smith lives in Edinburgh. He is married to a doctor and has two daughters.






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