Sir William Wallace

Alexander Falconer Murison

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Beschreibung zu „Sir William Wallace“

In 'Sir William Wallace' by Alexander Falconer Murison, the readers are taken on a journey through the historical events surrounding the Scottish hero Sir William Wallace. The book is written in a narrative style, making it accessible to both scholars and general readers interested in this period of history. Murison provides a detailed account of Wallace's life, from his early days to his legendary battles for Scottish independence. The author masterfully weaves together historical facts with engaging storytelling, capturing the essence of Wallace's bravery and leadership in the face of English oppression. This book is a valuable contribution to the historical literature on medieval Scotland and the fight for independence. Murison's meticulous research and vivid descriptions bring the past to life, making 'Sir William Wallace' a must-read for anyone interested in this iconic figure in Scottish history.


Good Press




ca. 152





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