
Alex Kane

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „Janey“

Janey Hallahan was born into the criminal life. After the death of her father, she became head of the family business - every day making dark decisions that make her family firm richer, no matter how dangerous. While Janey rules gangland with an iron fist, she always sticks to her own code of honour, and the innocent never get hurt. One of her workers, Danny McInroy runs an exclusive club in Glasgow - the kind of place where the ultra-wealthy can fulfil their darkest desires, for a hefty cost. He's good at his job, but his arrogance and propensity to violence makes him a liability. But when Janey discovers that he's linked to the disappearance of two women, it's time to take revenge. Because no one messes with Janey, or her empire. . .and as gangland is about to learn, a powerful woman will stop at nothing to protect her reputation.

Gelesen von:

Karen Bartke


Isis Audio




12 Std. 7 Min.





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