The Book of the Law (Liber Al Vel Legis)

The Central Sacred Text of Thelema

Aleister Crowley

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Beschreibung zu „The Book of the Law (Liber Al Vel Legis)“

Liber AL vel Legis, commonly known as The Book of the Law, is the central sacred text of Thelema. The book contains three chapters, each of which was alleged to be written down in one hour, beginning at noon, on 8 April, 9 April, and 10 April in Cairo, Egypt, in the year 1904. Crowley says that the author was an entity named Aiwass, whom he later referred to as his personal Holy Guardian Angel.

Über Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was the most widely read author in 20th-century occultism. He single-handedly redefined magic as a field of inquiry and endeavor through his books and the order that he led—the A.A. and the O.T.O. He is the author of 777 & Other Qabalistic Writings, Book of Toth, and The Book of the Law.


Musaicum Books




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