Household Gods

Aleister Crowley

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Beschreibung zu „Household Gods“

This is an odd one. A very short play about a man and his servant girl, who is of course more than she appears.

It opens on an altar, where he is bemoaning his situation... his wife has run off into the woods to be with who-knows-who...

Ye household gods!
By these male tears I swear
That ye shall grant this prayer.
All things at odds

Shall be put straight--
Harmonized, reconciled
By some appointed child
Of some far Fate!

Which makes me wonder if Nick Cave was invoking this story in the song Do You Love Me?.... "She was given to me to put things right..."

The servant girl appears, and maybe you can guess where it goes from there.

Über Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was the most widely read author in 20th-century occultism. He single-handedly redefined magic as a field of inquiry and endeavor through his books and the order that he led—the A.A. and the O.T.O. He is the author of 777 & Other Qabalistic Writings, Book of Toth, and The Book of the Law.


anna ruggieri




ca. 18





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