Instead of the ITER project and the TOKAMAK principle

– a new type of fusion machine

Åke Hedberg

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Beschreibung zu „Instead of the ITER project and the TOKAMAK principle“

Why have thousands of scientists and technicians with access to huge material and financial resources and over 60 years of extremely costly experiments, not for practical purposes been able to solve the problem of so-called controlled fusion? And imitate the natural processes occurring on the sun? Thus a "calm" fusion of hydrogen isotopes into helium, etc. Why do they have so thoroughly failed?

Yes, why have they failed to resolve the issue of energy and thus rid the world of all catastrophic problems with nuclear power, oil and coal?

These are some of the most important issues the author of this essay sets.

But he also provides answers to both theoretical and technical problems and not least the fundamental solutions. And why the theory of what happens on the sun does not match the actual observations.

Well, the future ITER project in France? Will it succeed? There is not the slightest chance! Precisely because it is based on exactly the same 60-year-old principles ...the principles of the TOKAMAK.

Über Åke Hedberg

Retired chemical engineer, philosopher and cosmologist.


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