Red Paint at Oxford


AKA Pish

Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „Red Paint at Oxford“

These little sketches must not be taken too seriously, and it must not be imagined that they describe the most prominent characteristics of the good sportsmen portrayed in them. We have only turned our attention to the lightest side of their 'Varsity careers because we think that the most amusing; but nearly every one of the Undergrads referred to has distinguished himself in some less lurid but more useful way. Five 'Blues' altogether have been amassed among the gentlemen who move about and have their being herein; while the Pilot upset the odds of 33 to 1 freely laid against him, scraped through on the rails with a rush at the finish, and secured a creditable 'First.' When he is Archbishop of Canterbury, Freddy hopes to be in the Cabinet, and, it appears already during the short year that has elapsed since we all 'went down,' that Squiff is well on his way to ruling a Province in India. Who knows whether he and the Pilot, in alliance, may not yet be the means of converting that most hearty blot of Ink the Rajah of Jellipore!






ca. 98





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