101 Tiny Changes to Brighten Your Day

Ailbhe Malone

Psychologie & Selbsthilfe

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Beschreibung zu „101 Tiny Changes to Brighten Your Day“

This book believes that you're worth looking after — even when you don't.

101 Tiny Changes to Brighten Your Day is a friendly book of tips on how to look after yourself and your mental health, in an age where we too often forget to pause and take a breath.

For anyone with anxiety issues, those who struggle to prioritise their own mental health over catching up on emails and social media, or those looking for a bit of encouragement, these small tips will help you shine again.

With small actions, you can make a big improvement to your well-being – whether it's making your phone a source of positivity instead of stress, engaging in habits that make you feel healthier and more positive, or preparing for darker days.

Ailbhe Malone's simple tips combine with witty illustrations from Naoise Dolan to create a resource you'll dip into whenever you need a helping hand.

A totem for your bedside table, backpack, or to give to a friend in need, this book believes that you're worth looking after, even when you don't.


Icon Books




ca. 35





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