The Flirting Fool

Aidan de Brune

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Beschreibung zu „The Flirting Fool“

Aidan de Brune's 'The Flirting Fool' is a captivating portrayal of early 20th-century Australian society, filled with wit, humor, and social commentary. Through a series of misadventures and romantic entanglements, the protagonist navigates the complexities of love and friendship. De Brune's writing style is characterized by sharp dialogue and vivid descriptions, capturing the essence of the era. The book serves as a prime example of Australian literature during the time, offering readers a glimpse into the social norms and values of the period. With its engaging plot and colorful cast of characters, 'The Flirting Fool' is a delightful read that will entertain and enlighten readers. Aidan de Brune's unique perspective and storytelling ability shine through in this charming novel, making it a valuable addition to the literary landscape of Australia.


Good Press




ca. 165





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