Life in Yellow

Adrian Tanase

Poesie, Lyrik & Prosa

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Beschreibung zu „Life in Yellow“

Life in Yellow is a collection of free-verse poetry that tries to capture the life of a writer, who lives in a world where trends, colors, fashion, and technology are changing very fast, and where the meaning of life changes from one year to the next.

He lives on Earth in an alternate future and is a well-known author of fiction prose and free-verse poetry living in the United States of All Colors. Contacted by a literary agent that lived more than a hundred light-years from him, he agrees to write a poem book that describes the society in which he lives, for substantial compensation.

Our main character describes his experiences with his shifted perceptions of what sometimes seems an almost surreal world, where people live out-of-time feelings, foresee the future in short glimpses, and blend reality with the digital world. Most of all, enjoy a world that praises fashion, art, and colors.

Enjoy another original concept poetry book from the Timeless Adventures series.

Gelesen von:

Adrian Tanase


Crystal Gate Publishing




1 Std. 13 Min.





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