70 Daily Reflections for Your Spiritual Awakening

Adrian Tanase

Hörbuch Ratgeber Spiritualität

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Beschreibung zu „70 Daily Reflections for Your Spiritual Awakening“

Throughout our lives, we all experience a gradual and slow process of Awakening. Those of us seeking the spiritual aspects of life are using centuries-old practices of accelerating this process, be it by using meditation, yoga, silent prayer, devotion, contemplation, reciting mantras, or mostly by just keeping mindful during their day. By being more mindful and centered every day, we become more compassionate, develop gratitude for what we have, and manifest a clearer perception. Thus, we start to love more, give and receive more, appreciate things more, and live a balanced, happier, and more abundant life. I wrote these reflections with carefulness to encompass most of the spiritual aspects that are present in our lives and with the hope that these pieces of wisdom will create that much-needed space where your soul can finally feel the freedom that it would make you complete. Chapters include discussions on presence or mindfulness, silence, awareness, happiness, compassion, kindness, letting go, Enlightenment, oneness, spiritual practice, the present moment, Buddha-nature, truth, karma, virtues, unconditional love, Ego, Higher Self, non-attachment, and positive affirmations.

Gelesen von:

Adrian Tanase


Crystal Gate Publishing




3 Std. 27 Min.





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