A Humble Enterprise

Ada Cambridge

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Beschreibung zu „A Humble Enterprise“

Ada Cambridge's novel, A Humble Enterprise, is a poignant and insightful exploration of social class and the limitations placed upon women in 19th century rural Australia. Through its vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling, Cambridge creates a multi-layered narrative that delves into the struggles faced by the protagonist as she navigates a society fraught with prejudice and inequality. The novel's nuanced portrayal of human relationships and societal norms adds depth to the literary landscape of the time, making it a valuable contribution to Australian literature. Cambridge's eloquent prose and keen eye for detail make A Humble Enterprise a compelling read for those interested in historical fiction and feminist literature. The themes of identity, agency, and resilience resonate with readers across generations, making this novel a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences today.


Good Press




ca. 132





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