The Anglican Friar, and the Fish which he Took by Hook and by Crook

A Comic Legend

active 19th century Novice

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Beschreibung zu „The Anglican Friar, and the Fish which he Took by Hook and by Crook“

In 'The Anglican Friar, and the Fish which he Took by Hook and by Crook' by the Active 19th century Novice, readers are taken on a whimsical journey through the English countryside, where an Anglican friar finds himself entangled in amusing adventures involving fishing escapades. The book is written in a light-hearted and humorous tone, reminiscent of the satirical works of the 19th century. The author cleverly weaves together elements of comedy and social commentary, making this novella an enjoyable and thought-provoking read. The vivid descriptions of nature and the charming characters further enhance the literary experience for readers. The Anglican Friar's interactions with the world around him offer readers a glimpse into the complexities of human nature and societal norms of the time. The Active 19th century Novice, known for his satirical writings, brings a fresh perspective to the genre with this delightful work. His background in religious studies and social observation likely inspired him to create a narrative that challenges conventional beliefs and behaviors. For readers seeking a witty and engaging literary work that offers both entertainment and insight, 'The Anglican Friar, and the Fish which he Took by Hook and by Crook' is a delightful choice.


Good Press




ca. 118





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