Buds and Blossoms; or, Stories for Real Children

Active 19th century Lady

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Beschreibung zu „Buds and Blossoms; or, Stories for Real Children“

In 'Buds and Blossoms; or, Stories for Real Children', the Active 19th century Lady presents a collection of heartwarming stories aimed at real children, focusing on themes of growth, innocence, and the wonders of childhood. The literary style of the book is characterized by its simple language and moral lessons that are subtly woven into each tale, reflecting the sentimentality of the Victorian era. This book can be seen as a nostalgic look back at the values and beliefs of a bygone time, offering an insightful perspective into the lives of children during the 19th century. The author's ability to capture the essence of childhood innocence and curiosity is evident throughout the stories, making it a delightful read for both young readers and adults alike. 'Buds and Blossoms; or, Stories for Real Children' is a charming collection that provides a glimpse into the world of 19th century children, making it a valuable addition to any literary enthusiast's collection.


Good Press




ca. 41





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