The Luzumiyat of Abu'l-Ala

Selected from his Luzum ma la Yalzam and Suct us-Zand

Abu Al-ala Al-maarri

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Beschreibung zu „The Luzumiyat of Abu'l-Ala“

The Luzumiyat of Abu'l-Ala is a collection of philosophical and satirical poems written by the renowned Arab poet Abu al-Ala al-Maarri. This book, written in the 11th century, explores themes of morality, religion, and the human condition through the lens of al-Maarri's sharp wit and intellectual prowess. The poems are rich in metaphor and allegory, drawing on classical Arabic poetic forms to convey complex ideas in a lyrical and engaging manner. The Luzumiyat is a seminal work in Arabic literature, showcasing al-Maarri's unique blend of skepticism and humanism. Abu al-Ala al-Maarri was a blind Syrian philosopher, poet, and freethinker known for his radical ideas and unconventional lifestyle. His works often challenged societal norms and criticized organized religion, making him a controversial figure in his time. The Luzumiyat is a reflection of al-Maarri's progressive beliefs and his commitment to intellectual freedom and skepticism. I highly recommend The Luzumiyat of Abu'l-Ala to readers interested in Arabic poetry, philosophy, and intellectual history. This book offers a fascinating insight into the mind of a visionary poet who dared to question the foundations of his society and search for deeper truths in the complexities of human existence.


Good Press




ca. 38





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