Friends and cousins

Abbie Farwell Brown

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Beschreibung zu „Friends and cousins“

In 'Friends and Cousins', Abbie Farwell Brown explores the complexities of family relationships through a series of interconnected stories. Written in a charming and nostalgic style, the book captures the essence of childhood and the bonds that exist between friends and cousins. Set in the late 19th century, Brown's stories are rich in detail and vividly depict the social customs and values of the time. Her characters come to life on the pages, each with their own unique personalities and quirks. Abbie Farwell Brown, a well-known American author and educator, drew inspiration for 'Friends and Cousins' from her own experiences growing up in a large extended family. Her deep understanding of the dynamics between relatives and friends shines through in her writing, making the stories relatable and engaging for readers of all ages. Brown's skillful storytelling and heartfelt prose make this book a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences today. I highly recommend 'Friends and Cousins' to anyone who enjoys heartwarming tales of family and friendship. Abbie Farwell Brown's attention to detail and genuine love for her characters make this collection a truly delightful read that will leave readers feeling nostalgic and uplifted.


Good Press




ca. 57





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