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Instant Cinema 4D Starter is one of the most prevalent 3D packages on the market today. With an intuitive user interface, experienced 3D artists can learn how to use C4D very quickly and easily. Amongst other features, C4D's animation tools and bulletproof rendering pipeline make it a major contender in the field of 3D software.
"Instant Cinema 4D Starter" is a book written by an experienced artist, for other artists. You will learn how to navigate the interface, and be given a basic understanding of how objects and hierarchies are structured in C4D. Then a step-by-step illustrated tutorial will teach you how to build a logo animation from the ground up.
"Instant Cinema 4D Starter" provides a leg up for 3D artists that need to learn this powerful software. You will benefit from easy-to-understand instructions and informative illustrations. After being walked through the installation process, you will be taught the basics of navigating the C4D interface. This includes an overview of the different components of the interface, as well as some golden "rules to live by" that carry over throughout the entire application.
You will then jump into Cinema 4D with a hands-on tutorial. The tutorial starts with importing vector artwork from a 2D logo. You will then learn how to clean it and build it up to a geometric 3D model. You will then use a free plugin to shatter the logo geometry, and a module named MoGraph to animate it. After animating the camera and lighting the logo, you'll be ready to render your scene. The only thing left to do is leave the reader with some helpful links to important and helpful resources in the C4D community.
Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks.This book is written in a friendly, practical style with lots of screenshots and help that will ensure you grow in confidence chapter by chapter.
This book is recommended for artists that have experience in other 3D software packages, and who want to learn Cinema 4D. That being said, dedicated readers without experience in other 3D software should not be discouraged from reading this book to learn the basics of Cinema 4D as their first 3D package.
Packt Publishing
ca. 34