
A. L. Baldry

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Beschreibung zu „Leighton“

In A.L. Baldry's 'Leighton', readers are transported to the quiet town of Leighton, where a mysterious murder takes place, leaving the townspeople shaken and the protagonist, Emma, determined to uncover the truth. The novel is written in a captivating and suspenseful style, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they delve into the dark secrets buried in the small town. Baldry's intricate plot twists and evocative descriptions bring the story to life, making 'Leighton' a compelling read for fans of mystery and psychological thrillers alike. Set in the early 20th century, 'Leighton' offers a glimpse into the social norms and tensions of the time, adding depth and authenticity to the narrative. A.L. Baldry's nuanced writing draws readers into a world of intrigue and betrayal, where nothing is as it seems. With its cleverly crafted storyline and well-developed characters, 'Leighton' is a must-read for anyone looking for a gripping mystery novel with a historical twist.


Good Press




ca. 24





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