The Sapphire

A.E.W Mason

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Beschreibung zu „The Sapphire“

A priceless sapphire with a troubled past. A captain torn between desire and duty. A temple of secrets and an intricate web of lies.

When Captain Michael Crowther is given a rare sapphire by the wife he abandons, he has no idea of the stone's power to disrupt and connect lives. Years later, haunted by memories and longing for redemption, Crowther returns to find his family forever changed. In a distant temple, under the watchful gaze of Buddhist monks, the sapphire has found a new purpose. But when it vanishes in the night, stolen by those who are not what they seem, Crowther is drawn into a dangerous quest to recover the jewel. To reclaim what was lost, he must unravel betrayals and secrets before time runs out.

From the exotic world of colonial Burma to the inner sanctums of faith, The Sapphire's Secret weaves a spellbinding tale of regret, renewal, and the mysterious ways human lives intersect.


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