The Mysteries and Miseries of San Francisco

Showing up all the various characters and notabilities, (both in high and low life) that have figured in San Franciso since its settlement

A Californian

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Beschreibung zu „The Mysteries and Miseries of San Francisco“

In 'The Mysteries and Miseries of San Francisco' by A Californian, readers are taken on a journey through the underbelly of the vibrant city of San Francisco. The book delves into the dark secrets and struggles of the city's inhabitants, painting a raw and gritty picture of life in this bustling metropolis. A Californian's writing style is characterized by vivid descriptions and a keen eye for detail, capturing the essence of the city and its people with eloquence and insight. Set against the backdrop of the late 19th century, the novel encapsulates the literary realism of the time, highlighting social issues and human complexities prevalent in society. Through its engaging narrative and thought-provoking themes, the book offers a window into a tumultuous period of American history, inviting readers to reflect on the human condition and the enduring struggles faced by individuals in a rapidly changing world. Recommended for readers interested in immersive historical fiction and poignant explorations of urban life, 'The Mysteries and Miseries of San Francisco' is a compelling and evocative work that resonates with timeless relevance.


Good Press




ca. 326





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